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Fotografia mea
Numele meu este Irina Monica Brandusoiu.Sunt absolventa a Facultatii de Istorie(Universitatea din Bucuresti),cu dubla specializare(istorie si filologie engleza).Deci s-ar putea spune ca sunt,oarecum, istoric,mai precis, istoric medievist cu specializare in istoria medie a romanilor.Personalitatea istorica preferata si studiata destul de aprofundat intr-o teza de licenta este Vlad Dracula-Tepes.....Cam atat deocamdata ca mi-a murit inspiratia.:)

joi, 3 iulie 2008

Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian ~ A New Vision On The Dracula Myth - Review by Irina M. Brandusoiu

Pros: Vlad and...the story looks so real

Cons: There are no cons

For a beginner in the art of writing(literature),Elizabeth Kostova did a very,very good job basing the fiction on historical reality. She is a very good and talented writer.
Now,let's talk about the book. As I said before, the fiction is based on real history. For example, the story of Vlad The Impaler is mostly real only until the moment of his death(December 1476), from that moment on begins fiction. "The Historian" is a very interesting mixture of past and present,of real history and fantasy.
In "The Historian" Elizabeth Kostova tells us the story of an American teenager(a 16 years old girl),Elsie(I can bet without loosing that the character is the author herself),daugther of an American historian(who "abandoned" history for diplomacy), with a strong passion for history too, who starts a journey searching for her missing father.Her only clues are some of his father's notes and letters.
More exactly, "The Historian" is the story of three generations of historians searching for Vlad Dracula Tepes, The Impaler.
I won't tell you more 'cause I want you to read the book. It is a very good book, about legends, history, vampires and even love.Is not so scary as it sounds so you can read it even alone in the night.
The story looks so real, but it isn't so don't believe it. Is just literature.
And....Guess who's The Historian!

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